Saturday, December 28, 2013

Top 10 Signs of a BAD SEO Service

All business owners say the Internet successful SEO is more effective to generate new prospects and customers through a website tactics.

But despite all understand the importance, many see the SEO process as very complex and technical, almost like a hidden discipline is best left to the real experts.

Given this, we is not surprising that many small, medium and large business outsource their SEO campaigns with companies specializing in the subject.

Just do a search on Google for "seo services" or "SEO companies" to realize that there are a lot of companies that claim to provide "better" and "faster" service, with dramatic results for a monthly charge and sometimes by a single payment.

Beware! So many of these "professionals" of SEO exploit the ignorance of customers to get easy money without providing a service should be.

Worse, some of these "providers" use SEO techniques that will ultimately end up harming the rankings of your website in the long run.

So ... How do I know if I am in good hands? How to know if the company you will hire are really good and know what they do?

Well, here I will show you the 10 signs so you know how to spot a bad SEO service.

Learn what are the bad practices and then analyzes the SEO specialist offering you currently have or are evaluating tried to see if you find another or you're with the right company.

The 10 Signs of the Poisonous

SIGN # 1: They make promises too good to be true

Outsource SEO for your business is not something easy to do, since the strategic importance for the development of the business, because you will be spending a portion of the marketing budget on a project that has to deliver results if or if.

That's why many companies offering SEO services are tempted to say that will improve your rankings in 30 days or less or to take achieve Google first place so ensured.

But you must be very careful with this kind of promise. The fact is that reputable SEO companies do not offer the # 1 nor quick results or other coarse promise that seems too good to be true.

In fact, Rand Fishkin,  CEO Moz,  an SEO Company Software, cites several reasons why the guarantees are a resource used by SEO companies poisonous:

·         The same Google warns against such promises in their guidelines and policies that "no one can guarantee # 1 ranking in Google"
·         The rankings are evidently unstable and are subject to a variety of factors such as the location of the Internet, if you are logged into Google, if you punch the buttons on Google+, etc.., And uses Google personalized search results.
·         Just look at the rankings of the site is a poor measure of the success of the campaign. It is so much more important to get those results and segmented new site visitors, and these visitors generate any conversion within the site, and subscribe to the newsletter, fill out the contact form, buy something, fill out a survey, etc..
·         Claiming that get quick results with SEO is doubtful, because SEO is not a marketing ploy to deliver results within hours or days. In fact, make an SEO campaign is a recurring process that gradual improvements in rankings and traffic levels.
·         A good SEO campaign can take between 2-3 months just to start showing results for 4-6 months just to be able to perceive a real impact on business results because of SEO. Also depends on a number of additional factors, such as: the age of the domain, the number of inbound links the domain has to before the campaign, the competitiveness of keywords etc..

Any you you're promising big results in little time is probably about promising or worse, you may be using illegal SEO techniques that can make a difference at first, but then a penalty and therefore a drop in rankings and traffic.

SIGNAL # 2: They use SEO techniques "Black Hat"

blackhatseoThe "professionals" of SEO have a number of different strategies for a site to rank, but not all of these techniques are considered "legitimate". These practices are often referred to as "Black Hat SEO". Although the Black Hat SEO is not technically illegal, it is not something that appeals to search engines even these practices may adversely affect the rankings of the business in the long run.

Some of the techniques of Black Hat SEO most common are:

Keyword Stuffing: This term refers to when the webmasters put the keywords many times within the site code, without intending to improve the content.

Bridge Pages: These are separate pages with keyword rich content, specifically for rankeen for certain keyword, but that automatically redirect the visitor to another page or site.

Invisible text: This text is used on a page with white background to trick the search engines so that rankeen page for certain keywords that are not relevant to the rest of the page content.

Create Miles and Miles of Very Fast Links: This is when the "professional" SEO creates several thousand links of one type in a short time (less than 15-30 days).

Search engines could potentially penalize websites that are under this kind of practice, sometimes taking them far behind on the pages of results or even not taking them out of the index completely.

SIGNAL # 3: They make a poor selection of keywords

Any SEO company can come up with a big list to start a campaign keywords, but in many cases, they are going wrong when selecting words.

Not all keywords that are relevant to your products / services is necessarily a good key word to work.

For example, if you are in a market where there are many searches such as "furniture" or "accounting", you'll have a big problem and frustration in trying to position yourself for general keywords 1 or 2 words, such as "accounting" or "office furniture".

Instead, the SEO company providing the service should help you to select keywords belonging to the "long tail",  which are those more specific keywords of 3-5 words, which are much more descriptive than the other broader words such as "professional accounting service" or "adjustable office chair."

In general, these words of "long tail" search volumes are less but are more segmented and therefore end up giving much better results for the business, in terms of visits are concerned.

Similarly, if you have a local business, does not make sense to compete against everybody. For instance you have a company that provides accounting services, instead try to position yourself for "accounting firm", you should position yourself for "accounting firm in santiago" or "accounting firm CITY / COUNTRY".

When it comes to keywords, no one knows your business better, because you know the words that best describe your business / product / service. So do not let a self-proclaimed "SEO Guru" you choose the keywords for you without at least confirm your words you have chosen.

SIGN # 4: They use crude link schemes

Create many incoming links to a website can improve the ranking of a site, in fact, it is widely known that link building is something that is used across the SEO industry. And that's fine, because it works in the short and long term when done correctly.

The problem is when the links are of low quality or are irrelevant to the customer site.

Examples of bad practice to create links are:

·         Link Prospecting Email: This is when the "professional" SEO sends many generic emails to webmasters to include your link on the site of this webmaster. This worked once in the past but no longer works.
·         Link Exchange: It is when a webmaster tells another to put a link to your page in exchange for him to do the same. In that case a reciprocal link is generated. Today there is evidence that reciprocal links do not work.
·         Quick link building: This is when the "professional" SEO creates several hundreds or even thousands of links in a short time (days) to the site that you want to position.
·         Use one sentence for anchor text: Anchor text is the clickable text of a link. Today, with the latest Google algorithm updates is necessary to use a variety of anchor texts in the links, since it is not natural for a site for many links from different sites but with the same anchor text.

Link building is a recurring, delicate work that requires setting many details, and gradually increase the rankings of the site in question.

SIGN # 5: They promise to register the site hundreds and thousands of directories

As part of your SEO strategy, many companies promise to register the site in many directories, hundreds and even thousands. You'll say "Great! More inbound links to me!. "

However, many of these directories do not provide quality links. Only a few of these are considered "authority" and of good quality for search engines.

In fact, you should not appear interested in low quality directories, but only those that are considered as authority, local directories like Google Places,  Yahoo! Local and Bing Places .

Blogging can also enlist in some directories like and

If you realize that your SEO company focuses on poor quality directories rather than the few that actually add points to your ranking, then evaluates change your supplier.

SIGN # 6: Site redesign or create new pages without making corresponding 301 redirects

If your SEO company recommends redesigning the site and create new pages to add content, make sure you use the so-called "301 redirects" to direct visitors and search engines to the new pages.

301 Redirects retain the current URL, but automatically send traffic to the new page, allowing the site to keep the rankings earned so far. If you use 301 redirects then you will lose all you had won before positioning for the pages that changed URL.

Create redirects you can consume some time and sometimes can be difficult, as it is a server-level configuration. Therefore, even large companies have difficulties and do it wrong.

Therefore, as it is delicate and very important, make sure your SEO company use 301 redirects if you make changes suggest URL. You can also check if redirects were well made

SIGNAL # 7: Focus on metadata rather than the SEO On Page

Metadata are within the HTML code of a web site and provides information to search engines about what this site in general, and is different from the content they see humans. The most important metadata are the title, description and keywords.

Fix metadata site sounds really technical and specialized, as if to pay an expert to do it for you, but in fact most search engines do not pay much attention to the metadata to assign rankings.

Therefore, though whether to optimize metadata, SEO company should be much more concerned to make on page SEO Site (internal SEO), which includes much more than simply optimizing metadata.

If you want to know how to do On Page SEO, then I recommend estuiar the Master Guide On Page SEO .

SIGNAL # 8: Create low quality content

Content is king when it comes to SEO. A good article or other form of content is an asset to your business, then you will carry traffic for years.

Now, to be good, this content must be relevant, useful and thought to be human, so you should avoid SEO companies recommend the following types of content:

·         Content Scraping: is when copying a content of a site with good rankings and then publish it on another website, getting links to your site. The content scraping violation of copyright laws and is associated with spam, which is also illegal in many countries practice.
·         Content with excess keywords: cheap is when writers are used to generate content where low quality and high density of keywords, with the sole purpose of attracting the search engines, but not to humans. Moreover, Google has recently said that some of the changes contemplated removing algorithm index sites that have only generated content to rank.

SIGNAL # 9: Generate traffic unskilled

When hiring a SEO company should evaluate the results beyond if achieved the # 1 spot or not. A successful SEO campaign should be analyzed in terms of quantity and quality of organic traffic generated by the campaign.

I mean, it's worth noting if the site one rated for a keyword that does not bring you buyers to your website, however, is very valuable if the campaign has attracted web traffic keywords long-tail that bring active buyers that fill the contact form, subscribe to the newsletter, phone call, buy, etc..

The study and selection of keywords in this is very important, in addition to what was mentioned in SIGNAL # 4 on the use of varied anchor texts.

SIGNAL # 10: offer "packages" single payment and not a solution to recurring maintenance

SEO is not a fixed-term project, but a recurrent process and should remain constant over time.

The website content must be permanent and must be updated new backlinks every day.

Furthermore, the strategy of keywords should also be constantly improving. All this without counting the updates that need to be rendered given the recent changes in the Google algorithm.

In summary, SEO is an ongoing task, where things can always be better. It is more than just a few structural changes and the construction of a few incoming links and some content once.

Moreover, the study "2012 Search Marketing Benchmark Report - SEO Edition" at MarketingSherpa found that businesses that have formal processes of SEO make up to 150% more leads than businesses that do not.

Therefore, if you find an SEO company that promises big changes for a single payment be careful because you can be in front of a venomous snake. What you need is a long-term relationship with a serious SEO company offering you constant maintenance.

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Brief Introduction to Google AdWords

Adwords is the program through which Google sells sponsored advertising. The sponsored ads appear alongside the natural search results. They can be distinguished by having a different background color and an indicator of advertising. Another way is to appear on the same web pages as banners (Display), videos (on Youtube) or images.

This marketing technique allows advertisers quick access to the top pages of search through the purchase of such spaces. Advertisers only pay when their ads have generated traffic to your site, ie, when a user has clicked on one of your ads. It is what is called pay per click.

The price you pay for each of these visits is established by auction and demand. Major words are auctioned more expensive.

Campaigns are divided by ad groups, each of which consists of keywords, ads or offers. It is recommended to perform a group for each topic that is relevant to your business, for example, differentiated by products services, etc..

Brief Introduction to SEO Positioning

SEO is an acronym for "Search Engine Optimization", with which the search engine optimization or search engine optimization is known.

Organic results are not all sponsored links that appear on the main column of relevant results. We know that not appear in the first pages of Google or any other search engine equals not exist in Internet.

These search engines handle continually changing algorithms to decide which pages appear in their first positions. Because of the abuse that was done in the past of trying to manipulate the results, the major search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo do not publish the factors that influence good indexing a page.

The goal of all these changes is to maintain a fresh, current and quality web content. Continuous changes have led to develop different ways of practicing SEO. The organic or natural positioning is usually performed around the Google search engine because it represents approximately 75% of the volume of Internet searches.

To maximize our position is important to follow the guidelines set Google. There are different ways to improve our web presence.

The most used are improving the content offered and the structure of web code (also known as Internal SEO or On Page SEO ). It is important to create content that pleases the potential audience, generate interest by itself and is structured simply and easily.

This will generate links and reviews of quality and fidelity provide greater long-term value.

Both techniques agree on many targets at the same time lead to results and radically different ways of working.

Key Similarities and Differences Between SEO and AdWords

·         In both cases we are talking about marketing strategies and its main purpose is to sell and know our website.
·         Adwords is a payment strategy with SEO while conversions are "free." But the strategy is recommended to leave in the hands of a specialist company as to get its full potential requires time and a team fully committed to the task.
·         The SEO techniques are dedicated to generating new content, quality, in the best interest of your prospects while with Adwords any change is made in their subjects.
·         SEO improves the indexing that Google assigns to your page since it depends on their presence in the first column of results. Adwords however should not worry about it because it pays to be sponsored in the spaces.
·         The results generated by SEO provide more confidence to users that sponsored links. 85% of users click on the first search results compared to 15% entering the sponsored link.
·         The results generated through SEO are more likely to attract links from other users. Links from Adwords are seen as advertising, people know you are selling them something. Advertising is content that people do not care to share.
·         The traffic generated by the SEO techniques is a constant traffic, thanks to the regular updates of relevant content to the reader. The user is more likely to repeat the experience of the web because they know things that you might find of interest. In Adwords traffic depends on the amount of money that is paid. The price of the words may vary in time depending on demand in the market there. There are words like "Fashion" high demand and quoted very high.
·         The SEO generates more quality visits most likely to end up in the check purchase. Instead the visit will not say Adwords conversion, generating indexes visits then do not correspond to a return on investment.
·         SEO has the ability to play with a greater number of keywords, which has more possibilities to position, while Adwords depends on they type the word for which you have paid.
·         The presence in the results is much longer with the use of SEO, because once achieved a good position it is easy to stay in the same place. With Adwords, once the campaign ends disappears from his position and visits fall dramatically.

The problem most often falls when deciding between one or the other strategy is impatience to see results. With SEO, these results begin to become apparent in the medium term.

It is an ongoing activity that is needed to monitor many factors simultaneously. But there is evidence that the quality of users accessing your content from the organic results provide much more value to the company over time.

The equity curve is exponential and holds a longer period, so it follows that eventually goes much more profitable than an Adwords campaign.

People do not trust advertising, and hits from sponsored links can only attract people who have very clear what they want and seek. However such purchaser will never be true to our company.

The hardest thing to get but precious is the loyalty of our customers. A loyal and satisfied customer brings more value and are more likely to recommend us to their acquaintances.

Nevertheless, both techniques are not mutually exclusive but can complement deliver the best of each.

But in no case should a strategy be devised only Adwords, as it would be damaging the future of our company.

We all know what Google and rewards: "Content is king". Build your business around interesting content that provides real value to your client and observe how the benefits come alone.

SEO is a strategy that eventually goes much more profitable, as shown in the image:

Five reasons why you need SEO website

If you are not using a search engine optimizer (SEO) on your website then you should ask yourself a very important question. How many users find my site?

Surely the PPC and other forms of advertising are viable options and have their uses, but can be very costly and not get to the crux of the matter. On the other hand, SEO can cost a relatively small amount, but will pay for itself many times. We will discuss:

1. People will have a better picture of you if you show up in search rankings natural.

Anyone can pay to attract users to your site and this requires more effort. To raise the ranking of search and appear on the first pages of search results commitment is required and this increases the perceived credibility of your website.

2. There is competition.

The online business is conducted by its highly competitive nature and you can be sure that at least some of your competitors are using SEO. Do you really want competition you are in a higher position than yours despite all the keywords that relate to your business?

3. To ensure that your site find the right people.

The recognition of certain keywords allows you to attract the traffic you're looking for, helping to reduce bounce rates and increasing user interaction on your site.

4. To make your site more useful and easy to use.

Modern SEO and Internet use are closely linked and Google, among others, has said his ranking considers both accuracy and content.

5. Users can not find the web sites, websites found to users.

The only way for users to visit your site is to make it available for them. Note that users do not want to make such a thorough search on the Internet, what they want is to find quickly what they want.

Do not allow users to have to go through various websites of the results that shed new search engines to find yours, they will not.

If you are thinking of creating brand awareness, you must find ways to attract more users to your site and sell more products online, embark on a campaign of search engine optimization can be the right path for you.

Consultations established SEO agency and has proven results and your website could begin to sustain itself.

Local SEO Guide: how to attract customers to your physical property

A good campaign local SEO is one of the most effective "weapons" that can use SMEs to compete with large companies, especially those that conduct their business in a particular geographical area. For this reason, it's interesting and profitable that such companies base their SEO strategy to gain visibility in the local search results.

Throughout this guide to crazy SEO l will teach all the key actions to be carried out to optimize the local presence of your business in Google.

Shares of a local SEO strategy

1. Local On Page SEO

1.1. On Page SEO Factors classic

Of all the factors On Page SEO classic,  you should pay special attention to the tag title,  the meta description,  the  URLs and the headings (h1, h2,. ..). Since the SEO strategy will be oriented to a local environment is necessary to include these tags, always with moderation, keywords that contain local terms.

1.2. Corporate and rich snippets

Is recommended to add both the address and the phone number in the footer of the website to make it easier for search engines to obtain information from the company.

In addition, a best practice is to also include your location in the page content.

Once inserted the information, it is necessary to use the rich snippets of to help search engines interpret. Enriched formats are small lines of code that make the semantic markup of content,  namely thanks to them the form means that the number you have set footer is the phone number of the company and keep him as such for my their search results. In the following link you will find more official information about rich snippets. At present there are many elements that can make semantically. In the following link you will find them all.

1.3. Geographical position of the website

There are different ways to geotag the website of your business. One of the easiest is using Google Webmaster Tools. In the following link you have all the information to perform this step. Although this tool provides the ability to geotag at local or regional level, it is necessary to set geotargeting in the country in which the company conducts its business.

2. Local Google+ ratings (reviews)

+ Google Local has taken over from Google Places. For those who do not know anything about it through Google + companies have at their disposal a powerful tool that allows, among other things, create a page where they can put their corporate information (address, hours, methods payment, phone,. ..), get ratings and appear on search results from both Google Maps and Local Google+.

If you finally decide to take the plunge and make your company discharged on Google +, you must select "Local Business" to create the page and it is highly recommended that you dedicate the time required to complete all information requested Google. You can find more information on the subject in the following link.

With the introduction of Google + Local, the rating / reviews on the pages of Google+ are one of the main ranking factors for local searches. It is advisable to encourage clients to value the goods / services of the company.

3. References

Although getting on Google + rating should the main priority, is still important to get reviews in your company profiles on third party sites and Google uses some of them and also continue to appear in Google + Local

4. General and local directories

Although they are still very challenged lately, it is also advisable to register with some more general business directories, such as:

• Yellow Pages
• Hotfrog
• 11811

At the time of registering your company in such directories is to do this in the category related to your business.

It is also advisable to conduct a search to identify the possible existence of local directories, because if there is one quality you need to register.

5. Content Marketing

A good strategy for content marketing can can also help us to position our content to local searches. The main tool that can help you achieve this goal is a blog.

All content marketing strategy that claims must be based above all on quality content, ie one that is original, self-produced and to add value to your customers. As this strategy will support the local SEO, you should identify the keywords that your potential customers will use to search in your local environment. As a tip, we recommend that you serve in local events to create content and spread it on social networks with hastags to be used for each.

6. Social Media

From the perspective of local SEO, your business needs to be visible in those social networks you think your target audience is. It is essential to completely fill in all the information we ask for, especially the location.

Master Guide - Getting Visits Local SEO

I. Introduction: Attracting Highly Segmented Visits Local

Every effort is SEO to increase business visibility to a certain audience, and local SEO is so much more focused.

By focusing on customers and prospects that are located in a particular geographic area, local SEO can generate traffic to websites and physical stores.

Restaurants, retail stores, law firms, dental centers, car rentals, etc.., Can benefit from local SEO.

A SEO campaign effective local marketing requires a combination of geo-targeted content, be listed in Google Places and start a content distribution campaign.

If you prefer to see the slideshow version, I leave here. Below is the full article:

II. Optimizing Website for Local Audiences

Local SEO uses the same elements of traditional SEO, but requires some additional specific items.

·         Contact Information and Opening Hours: This is the information sought by search engines and potential customers when they visit the website of a local business. Both the opening hours as the physical address and telephone number should appear on each page of the website.
·         Local Key words: Key words and phrases containing business location must be present in meta tags such as title and description, and also within the website content. Use local keywords, including the country, city, etc.., Will help you get more potential customers to enter their premises.

 III. Addressing Local Markets with Files

Create a marketing campaign local content requires the same amount of creativity and effort than any SEO campaign, but should make a greater emphasis on "calls to action" and the most important issues regarding the business location.

·         Local Issues: You must create content based on those aspects relevant to the physical location of the business. A good way to accomplish this is to refer to the events related to the business industry.
·         Creating Brand Advocates: Do not just sell or advertise their products and services - but encourage customer loyalty and create true brand advocates. Then, these customers can promote their brand love "word of mouth" and share your content across social networks.
·         Establishing Identity Business: This begins with a proper attribution of content to their respective author. For this it is necessary to use the Authoring Google+ (Google+ autorship) the content that is produced, so that Google shows the author of the content on the pages of results.

If you need to generate content for your website, whether articles for your blog, the texts of the records of your products, or any text that you need, I recommend then visit PagoArtí to outsource this task with content experts.

IV. Registering and Managing Social Pages

Your business should be listed in Google Places to make a new space in the results pages of Google, but it must register with Google+ Local, Bing Places, Yahoo! Local and Yellow Pages if possible.

In addition to these, it is also recommended to create a Facebook page, a Twitter profile, and keep them updated.

You can even add more social networks to your campaign, if it is applicable to your business. For example, if you are a photographer, you could benefit by creating a Pinterest account and / or Flickr, even opening a Youtube Channel.

Then link your business website in all of these social networks and encourage your customers to leave comments and visit to the offices of your business.

V. Getting Quality Citations

The links (better known as backlinks) are a very important aspect of an SEO campaign, and so are the citations. Citations are references that are made to the brand and are a key to increase the ranking of a website in local result factor. The most important and effective citations are:

·         Blogs and Social Networks: To encourage brand advocates and local influencers to mention his mark on their blogs and social networking accounts is a great way to get citations.
·         Additions and Comment: Being listed in business directories and companies, local area networks and review sites, we have citations. Managing these ups and comments and get more customers post positive comments about your business will add many points to your ranking.
·         Articles and Journal Publications: Ask other people write about their business, whether online or in a physical environment can position you as the authority in your niche.

VI. Managing Customer Comments

Positive customer reviews are very important, and to get, in addition to providing good service and quality products, you must have unique content and beyond the business description, business hours and contact information.

Upon receipt of these comments, you must answer them all, if only to thank the customer for commenting, and encourage you to leave a new comment on another occasion, that in this way, a habit in them comment on their social pages Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc..

VII. Conclusions

As you can see, if you have a business or company that sells products / services locally, it is very important that you start today local SEO campaign to attract more new customers through internet.

Today, the Internet are all tools, often free, to do these things that are going to attract new visitors and sales. The basic tools are social pages and public profiles, such as:

·         Google Places
·         Google Plus
·         Bing Local
·         Yahoo! Local
·         Facebook
·         Twitter
·         Youtube
·         Pinterest
·         Flickr
·         Etc.

Besides all this, it is very necessary that the campaign include the generation of new and interesting content to customers in the form of: Items, audios, videos, infographics, etc., depending on the niche and the product / service. In this way, customers will love their brand and become recurring clients for you.

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